Trivia Night!

Thank you to everyone who came out for Trivia Night! We had a great time testing what we know about general knowledge, landmarks, commercials, and Uganda. It was great meeting new faces and sharing about our mission !

Congratulations to all our round winners! And congratulations to Ay Ay Ay Wombats for winning overall :)

In total, we raised over $2,000 for Ignite Change! This allows us to continue empowering families in Uganda through community outreach and education. It also enables us to continue growing towards a technical school in the new community of Kamdini.

We recognize that many of you could not understand the video of Rodgers, one of our Secondary Students. There are now captions added! Hear about Rodgers's life growing up with a family who did not value education. And what he is doing now to have a better future.

Hear Rodgers's story about growing up and trying to go to school without the support of his family. Now, he is trying to make a future for himself.