New Groups - New Projects!

Thank you so much for your help in supporting Ignite Change. We hope you are doing ok in these turbulent times. All of us want to let you know how much we appreciate and value your partnership.

For most of you, on some sort of lockdown, life looks a lot different. You’re going out less. You have been working from home. Some of you are just getting back to work. And for those of you that are essential workers, we thank you for your hard work!

In Uganda, many people are out of work. Their small, roadside businesses are closed until further notice. People have used up all their savings – and most have spent all their business capital. Those in the village are more used to this life and are spending their time farming. But simple things like buying salt has become expensive and hard to find. Four of the businesses started by Ignite Change continue to operate during the lockdown. As the lockdown is lifted, more of our groups are getting back to work. Even though business has been slow, the group members are extremely thankful for the little money they are earning.

We are continuing to work on issues that are important to you. Including working with the most vulnerable populations. Currently, there are two populations in Kamdini doing far worse than others:

The street boys who rely on stealing fuel from oil tankers traveling through Uganda. In the past, the trucks frequently parked in town. They are no longer allowed to stop here because of the high risk of spreading COVID. The small money these boys used to earn is no longer there. They are getting desperate and turning to more extreme crimes. Many are taking the risk and secretly meeting with the truck drivers because they say “getting Corona is better than starving to death”.

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The same truck drivers that used to park in Kamdini fueled the largest demand for sex workers in Uganda. Some of these women have recently come out publicly as a cry for help. They no longer want to do this work and need some small food to survive. They want a different life and a different future.

The stories you will hear in the coming weeks from these boys and ladies will bring you to tears. Our amazing team has been reaching out to these groups and building relationships and trust. Thanks to your support, we are able to provide an immediate physical need of foodstuff, masks, and soap. But we know, what they need most is to experience and know the love of Jesus. Our Savior doesn’t look at what they’ve done but who they are.

Plans are coming together to work with both of these groups. The boys will farm on our new land. They will be given housing, food, and other basic essentials. Plus, food to send home to their families. During these months of farming, we will go through our trainings and help them come up with business ideas. The profit earned from the sale of crops at the time of harvest will be used to launch their business!

The ladies will be trained in a craft skill, such as basket making. They will also be given housing, food, and other basic essentials. Trainings will be held weekly and the profit from selling their crafts will launch their new business!

Both groups will meet regularly for Bible Studies to learn more about their identity in the eyes of Christ.

They will be housed away from town to limit their ability to return to their old ways. And to ensure the safety of our team and the surrounding community.

These groups need your help. We will be facing higher expenses to house, feed, and provide additional staff for these groups. If you are able, please join the Family Partnership program to be partnered with one of the individuals and be part of changing their lives and their story forever! Or give a one-time donation to help us get started!