Business Updates!

These past weeks have been exciting and busy for both the group members and our staff. All four businesses are up and running and we are excited to share a few videos with you!

Launch Event

Nommy, our Community Outreach Manager speaking (with a translator next to him). Lucy speaking about herself as a widow. Worship celebrating the businesses about to launch! And turning over the equipment and supplies to the group members.

Ox Plow

The oxen have been trained to answer to commands. There are subtitles below - watch them respond.

These oxen will be taken to people’s gardens and plow their field for a set rate per acre. This saves the farmers time and energy they can use for planting and tending the garden after.

Produce Buying & Selling Business

Weighing a small bag of soybean.

Groups will be buying produce from farmers in bulk at a low rate. Then sell large quantities to local factories at a higher rate.

Grinding Machine

Grinding maize into flour.

Customers bring their dried maize (corn), millet, cassava, and sorghum to be ground into flour. These different types of flours are used in many dishes. The group charges per kilo of item ground.